
Home > Works > Flo Interior
flo interior pte ltd

interior design platform

Challenges Faced

With some of their commercial clients being international brands, it gives them the ideal opportunity to expand their business outside of Singapore

However with such growth plans, it can be manpower intensive. Flo Design hopes to make use of technology to digitize, simplify or automate work process in hope to increase efficiency. The goal is to allow the staff to put less focus on local market but still able to dabble in the respective industries offshore.

Flo Design Pte Ltd are using the traditional and manual approach in their business operations

The following processes are done manually:

  • Manual data entry for new projects
  • Assigning work to the contractors
  • Manual, written or verbal update of design and production development
  • On-site Project Management
  • On-site Manpower management
  • Emails/direct calls of Clients’ enquiry
  • Traditional finance and payment processes


An integrated food ordering cum business operations application.

Mobile Application

Customers would be able to add projects in the mobile app. Once proposed project is ready to get started, contractors would be assigned for the project

When viewing the project status, customers are able to get live status updates of the work in the application itself. Customers will get notification regarding projet updates and ongoing promotions.

When paying, customers are able to do using the application. Payment reminders can be send to the customers. This is all done through the use of the Financial Dashboard. Users can make payment using Paynow or Credit/Debit card. Once payment is made, it would be updated on the financial dashboard.

After project completion, customers are able to provide feedback, to rate how successful the overall project is.

Web System

With the web system, admins are able to view and update project status. When there are projects from customers, admins are able to assign contractors using the web system. Admins are able to add, remove or block the customer depending on the situation.

They are able to access the financial dashboard to take note of the payments being made by the customers. Using the web system, admins are able to view all of the customers data and generate reports of the projects.

After the projects ends, feedbacks will be collated from the customers and summarized. The system will generate statistics and reports which are used to analyze the success rate of each project.


Increased Customer Engagement & Satisfaction

Customers are able to get live update of their project status which are normally sent to managers through email. A level of trust is built as by giving live updates, they are being transparent in terms of the progress of the report. Feedbacks can also be given to the business by the customers once the project is finalized with in turns, increase the customer satisfaction by two times.

Less manpower required

The working hours are reduced by four times for the project and account manager. Most of the tedious tasks which includes financial reports, contractor assignment are being handled by the system. Manual work has been reduced which increase the productivity of the staff by two times. This also increases the number of projects they are able to tackle by four times.

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